Times John Neil & Associates P.O. Box 2156 Cupertino, CA 95015 USA Orders: E-Mail: Web Site: (800) 663-2943 (415) 661-2944 sales@jna.com http://www.jna.com of 1 lUUUU HUUUU I$UUUU ------ <<<<<< KKKKKK ZZZZZZ iiiiii xxxxxx 68LC040 CPU Bug Information John Neil April 23, 1996 68LC040 CPU Chip Bug VThe 68LC040 CPU chip has a bug in it which prevents many FPU applications from working H_properly with SoftwareFPU. The bug is confirmed by Motorola and listed as bug E4 on revision 4 `of the official Motorola 68LC040 errata sheet. Unfortunately there is no way for SoftwareFPU to Ywork-around this bug. If you have SoftwareFPU installed on a 68LC040 Macintosh, you will `have to test each FPU application you use to see whether it will work on your Macintosh. If the `application crashes, it is probably due to the 68LC040 CPU chip bug. To verify the cause of the ecrash, test the same application on a regular 68040 Macintosh. If the application operates correctly Uon a 68040 Macintosh, the CPU bug is causing the application to crash on your 68LC040 `Macintosh. If the application crashes on a 68040 Macintosh, the CPU bug is not the cause of the 68LC040 crash. UIf your FPU application crashes with SoftwareFPU because of the 68LC040 CPU bug, your options are: Replace the application with a version that does not require an FPU, if available. Replace the 68LC040 CPU in your Macintosh with a 68040 CPU that contains a hardware HYFPU. John Neil & Associates sells 68040 upgrades for desktop Macintoshes and PowerBooks. WSee the price list at the end of the "About SoftwareFPU" document for more information. Install a PowerPC upgrade card in your computer. FPU applications work properly with H#SoftwareFPU on PowerPC Macintoshes. Dt p temp.0001 John M. Neil John M. Neil Microsoft Word Times rPREC ~PRVS